El mes que viene daremos dos días de sesión abierta a cualquier trader interesado en ver como operamos en vivo. Si estas interesado puedes mandarme un email a saladetrading@hotmail.com
Un saludo y que tengan un buen trading así como un buen finde.
Recuerda de seguir el Dinero inteligente .
Friday, April 29, 2011
Market Profile y zonas importantes
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Zonas importantes para un posible largo.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Market Profile del Lunes 25 de Abril

Ayer era un día para ir a pescar y no para hacer trading. Todavia era día festivo en casi toda europa antes de la apertura del mercado americano hubo 50000 contratos negociados y durante la sesión americana tampoco había mucho volumen.
El precio ha esta en un rango de 6,75 puntos, por lo cual hubo muy pocas oportunidades para hacer trading.
Esperemos que la vuelta a la normalidad.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Market Profile del Lunes 18 de Abril
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Market Profile del Miercoles 13 de Abril.

Otro día con un " buen rango", lo pongo entre comillas por que el E-minisp 500 tenía un rango normal entre 20 y 30 puntos. Ahora un día normal es de 10 o 12 puntos.
Aun así dio muchas oportunidades .
Si miran los niveles verán como el precio los ha respetado tick por tick. Dichos niveles ha sido subidos al blog por la mañana. Saber donde puede girar el mercado es la base del éxito en el trading. Lo único que tienes que hacer es esperar un pull back para subirte a la tendencia.
Yo solamente he podido operar en la primera media hora ya que tenía que salir. Pero en la sala ha hecho unos buenos trades.
Suerte a todos y que tengan un buen trading.
Frase para reflexionar :
"A los elefantes les cuesta mucho adaptarse, las cucarachas sobreviven a todo."
Peter Drucker
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Market Profile del Martes 12 de Abril
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
El Arte de la Guerra de Sun Tzu.

La manipulación del volumen no es nada nuevo, como pueden leer lo que dijo este General hace 2400 mas o menos sobre el engaño. Es muy parecido a lo nos hacen creer las manos fuertes.
Sé que muchos han leído este libro. Pero yo lo leo cada mes para no olvidar. De hecho lo tengo cerca de las pantallas para no olvidar ya que somos seres humanos y muchas veces olvidamos muchas cosas.
El arte de la guerra se basa en el engaño. Por lo tanto, cuando es capaz de atacar, ha de aparentar incapacidad; cuando las tropas se mueven, aparentar inactividad. Si está cerca del enemigo, ha de hacerle creer que está lejos; si está lejos, aparentar que se está cerca. Poner cebos para atraer al enemigo. Golpear al enemigo cuando está desordenado. Prepararse contra él cuando está seguro en todas partes. Evitarle durante un tiempo cuando es más fuerte. Si tu oponente tiene un temperamento colérico, intenta irritarle. Si es arrogante, trata de fomentar su egotismo. Si las tropas enemigas se hallan bien preparadas tras una reorganización, intenta desordenarlas. Si están unidas, siembra la disensión entre sus filas. Ataca al enemigo cuando no está preparado, y aparece cuando no te espera. Estas son las claves de la victoria para el estratega.
Ahora, si las estimaciones realizadas antes de la batalla "Stop Loss" indican victoria, es porque los cálculos cuidadosamente realizados muestran que tus condiciones son más favorables que las condiciones del enemigo "Ratio riesgo /beneficio" ; si indican derrota, es porque muestran que las condiciones favorables para la batalla son menores. Con una evaluación cuidadosa, uno puede vencer; sin ella, no puede. Muchas menos oportunidades de victoria tendrá aquel que no realiza cálculos en absoluto.
Mediante todo esto, uno puede adivinar el resultado final de la batalla.
Market Profile del día 11 de Abril
Friday, April 1, 2011
Manipulación del Volumen.
Os dejo un artículo muy interesante, para los que siguen usando todavia Barras o Velas Japonesas. Todos sabemos que los mercados están manipulados de hecho si no fuera así , no existiría el Mercado y que sin en el Trader Minorista las instituciones no harían dinero, y para ello usan todo el arsenal " tanto el capital humano con ultimas tecnologias " que tienen para ir por tu dinero. Y también sabemos que manipulan el Volumen.. Todavía crees que usando Velas japones puedes ser consistentemente ganador...
Para luchar contra esta gente, tienes que estar bien formado y conocer muy bien su estrategia. Conociendo bien al enemigo y conociendo a ti mismo ganarás miles de batallas " Sun tzu". Tienes que pensar igual que ellos, tenga en cuenta que cuando empiezas a operar en Bolsa lo harás, intentarás sacar dinero a la gente que esta bien formada y que llevan años haciendo esto. Esto no es lo mismo que una liga empezaras a jugar en 3 división, despues 2 división hasta llegar a la primera.
Os dejo un articulo para el que sabe Inglés. Son palabras de la SEC.
Volume Manipulation and the
"Market Maker orchestrated Pump and Dump"
Volume Manipulation is another area where Market Maker's collude to create
the impression that there is more activity, accumulation or distribution,
then there actually is. For example, Market Maker A buys 100K from Market
Maker B, who then sells them to Market Maker C, then Market Maker D buys
them, making it appear as if there is 300K worth of volume, when all that
was happening was a "Churn" game that served to inflate volume for the day.
For a more in depth discussion of how this works, please see The Forbes
article titled "One Day Soon the Music's Going to Stop"
The core aspect of this manipulation is the structure of NASDAQ's ACT system
itself, and which can be discerned by studying the buys and sells as they
are reported in the OTCBB time and sales reports, and by studying the
reporting as it occurs in the ACT system. The major distinguishing feature
here is that Market Maker to Market Maker transactions are recorded on the
sell side only (same as an investor buy), in contrast, the ACT system
records both buys and sells by Market Makers when the trade is being made
with the general public.
Lets look at a few examples, and please note that the side of the trade is
inverted depending upon the market participants "point of view." When a
Market Maker buys from the general public, it's the same as an investor
sell, it is recorded as an ACT system buy or "B". When a Market Maker sells
to the General public, which is the same as an investor buy, it is recorded
as an ACT system sell or "S". So the Market Makers report both buys and
sells to the general public. Unfortunately here is where the rules change to
the detriment of the average investor: A Market Maker to Market Maker
transaction is recorded solely on the sell side as an "S", not on the buy
"B" side. If a Market Maker buys from another Market Maker, it is not
recorded in the ACT system as a "B", it is only the selling Market Maker
that reports it. This is the core reason that it appears in the real time
price stream for OTCBB stocks that a bid:ask ratio of greater than 1:3 is
often required in order for prices to move up, since a Market Maker to
Market Maker transaction represents no change in the supply demand
equilibrium of a stock. The excess over 1:1 is Market Makers trading with
each other.
All sorts of technical accumulation/distribution models use volume in their
calculations, and this churn game where Market Makers sell to each other can
be used to manipulate the buying and selling of many who use such technical
models in their trading. These types of churn trades are all but impossible
to discern from retail trades and to my knowledge are currently completely
impossible to discern in real-time. The Market Makers combine this "churn"
trading with artificial price walk downs and naked shorting, and you have the
potential of complete Market Maker Manipulation of the whole price and volume
chart. This would be exceedingly profitable to conspirators at critical
technical junctures such as the apex of triangles and quiet, pre-breakout
trading ranges to make it appear that the order flow is going opposite to the
"real" order flow.
Why are MarketMaker's are allowed to report these churn trades (Market Maker
to Market Maker) as volume, since supposedly a Market Maker is only
concerned with "making a market?" There is no legitimate need for volume
figures reported in real time price streams as well as end of day price
reports to include Market Maker to Market Maker transactions. After all, who
is the market being made for? Another Market Maker?
Volume manipulation is a type of "pump and dump" scheme orchestrated by and
for the benefit of the Market Makers themselves. It works like this: The
Market Makers start selling to each other to artificially inflate the volume
figure over a period of days to generate investor interest, but they do not
yet start Naked Shorting. Now after some number of investors have laid down
their hard earned money and there has been some price appreciation, Market
Makers then start to Naked Short the position, effectively capturing the
Investors Money, as price erodes due to the dilution that the creation of
the short positions cause. This capture of investors money occurs in the
event the investor has a stop loss figured into their trading strategy which
mandates them to limit their losses, so they sell due to price erosion
caused by Naked Shorting. Stop loss's are always recommended in beginner's
guides to technical analysis and automated trading strategies.
I wonder why?
In any case these stop loss strategies combined with the flawed reporting
structure of the real time price stream, line the Market Makers pockets with
huge sums of money.
Naked Shorting, Sophisticated Hedging,
and Price Manipulation
Para luchar contra esta gente, tienes que estar bien formado y conocer muy bien su estrategia. Conociendo bien al enemigo y conociendo a ti mismo ganarás miles de batallas " Sun tzu". Tienes que pensar igual que ellos, tenga en cuenta que cuando empiezas a operar en Bolsa lo harás, intentarás sacar dinero a la gente que esta bien formada y que llevan años haciendo esto. Esto no es lo mismo que una liga empezaras a jugar en 3 división, despues 2 división hasta llegar a la primera.
Os dejo un articulo para el que sabe Inglés. Son palabras de la SEC.
Volume Manipulation and the
"Market Maker orchestrated Pump and Dump"
Volume Manipulation is another area where Market Maker's collude to create
the impression that there is more activity, accumulation or distribution,
then there actually is. For example, Market Maker A buys 100K from Market
Maker B, who then sells them to Market Maker C, then Market Maker D buys
them, making it appear as if there is 300K worth of volume, when all that
was happening was a "Churn" game that served to inflate volume for the day.
For a more in depth discussion of how this works, please see The Forbes
article titled "One Day Soon the Music's Going to Stop"
The core aspect of this manipulation is the structure of NASDAQ's ACT system
itself, and which can be discerned by studying the buys and sells as they
are reported in the OTCBB time and sales reports, and by studying the
reporting as it occurs in the ACT system. The major distinguishing feature
here is that Market Maker to Market Maker transactions are recorded on the
sell side only (same as an investor buy), in contrast, the ACT system
records both buys and sells by Market Makers when the trade is being made
with the general public.
Lets look at a few examples, and please note that the side of the trade is
inverted depending upon the market participants "point of view." When a
Market Maker buys from the general public, it's the same as an investor
sell, it is recorded as an ACT system buy or "B". When a Market Maker sells
to the General public, which is the same as an investor buy, it is recorded
as an ACT system sell or "S". So the Market Makers report both buys and
sells to the general public. Unfortunately here is where the rules change to
the detriment of the average investor: A Market Maker to Market Maker
transaction is recorded solely on the sell side as an "S", not on the buy
"B" side. If a Market Maker buys from another Market Maker, it is not
recorded in the ACT system as a "B", it is only the selling Market Maker
that reports it. This is the core reason that it appears in the real time
price stream for OTCBB stocks that a bid:ask ratio of greater than 1:3 is
often required in order for prices to move up, since a Market Maker to
Market Maker transaction represents no change in the supply demand
equilibrium of a stock. The excess over 1:1 is Market Makers trading with
each other.
All sorts of technical accumulation/distribution models use volume in their
calculations, and this churn game where Market Makers sell to each other can
be used to manipulate the buying and selling of many who use such technical
models in their trading. These types of churn trades are all but impossible
to discern from retail trades and to my knowledge are currently completely
impossible to discern in real-time. The Market Makers combine this "churn"
trading with artificial price walk downs and naked shorting, and you have the
potential of complete Market Maker Manipulation of the whole price and volume
chart. This would be exceedingly profitable to conspirators at critical
technical junctures such as the apex of triangles and quiet, pre-breakout
trading ranges to make it appear that the order flow is going opposite to the
"real" order flow.
Why are MarketMaker's are allowed to report these churn trades (Market Maker
to Market Maker) as volume, since supposedly a Market Maker is only
concerned with "making a market?" There is no legitimate need for volume
figures reported in real time price streams as well as end of day price
reports to include Market Maker to Market Maker transactions. After all, who
is the market being made for? Another Market Maker?
Volume manipulation is a type of "pump and dump" scheme orchestrated by and
for the benefit of the Market Makers themselves. It works like this: The
Market Makers start selling to each other to artificially inflate the volume
figure over a period of days to generate investor interest, but they do not
yet start Naked Shorting. Now after some number of investors have laid down
their hard earned money and there has been some price appreciation, Market
Makers then start to Naked Short the position, effectively capturing the
Investors Money, as price erodes due to the dilution that the creation of
the short positions cause. This capture of investors money occurs in the
event the investor has a stop loss figured into their trading strategy which
mandates them to limit their losses, so they sell due to price erosion
caused by Naked Shorting. Stop loss's are always recommended in beginner's
guides to technical analysis and automated trading strategies.
I wonder why?
In any case these stop loss strategies combined with the flawed reporting
structure of the real time price stream, line the Market Makers pockets with
huge sums of money.
Naked Shorting, Sophisticated Hedging,
and Price Manipulation
Market Profile del Jueves 31
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